Our Knowledge Brokerage at Work
Over the last few years we have had the privilege to work with hundreds of people from charities and communities on scores of projects and initiatives which have benefitted thousands or people. Here are a few of the best examples of how our unique knowledge brokerage approach to consultancy has made a real difference

A Selection of Some of the Services we Provide, Solutions we have Offered and Examples of Our Knowledge Brokerage at Work
Your Problems Are Our Business
Our consultancy service will provide professional evaluations which will look beyond the statistics to show the story of change.
AIMS To Succeed
Portfolio,Reach,Realise,Discovery,CASE STUDIES,PRODUCTS & SERVICES
Our AIMS Programme will turn heritage from a liability into an asset helping communities and organisations develop, protect and promote the past.
Do You Mean Business?
A business plan allows an organisation to set out its aims and objectives and a direction for the future, and to give those on the outside an insight into its purpose.
Virtual Events
Working with a Museum and Interpretative Centre, to develop as Virtual VE Day Programme and Resource Pack to reach out to their anticipated audience and replace the traditional format with an on-line programme which would celebrate, commemorate and educate.
Recruitment Services
Helping you find the right people to help your business or organisation. Our recruitment services will work with you to advertise, and recruit staff, volunteers, board members of trustees.
LAWRIZON -Know the Law: Employment Contracts
Our RIGHTS services keeps you up to date on legal developments in terms of HR law particularly contracts, so let us look after the legal aspects of Human…
Capturing 1000 Years on a Page
Our history and heritage services specialise in turning history into an exciting story, that new audiences will enjoy, engage with and be educated by. Our Online Pages of History Service focuses on modernising your messages and online museum and interpretative development.
Go Virtual Go Viral
We will help you plan and implement virtual working plans, to solve a range of problems from resource issues to pandemic restrictions. Our Knowmad ethos will keep you working where ever you are, from home office solutions to international events.
Project Case Development
Our advocacy skills are often put to good use building and arguing a case before funders or other potential investors.
Crisis Planning & Management
Our Crisis Management Services first help you to manage and mitigate risks through training and preparation. This can avoid or minimise the crisis. For clients in the midst of a crisis we will come onboard to help you through.
Helping You Respond
Our advocacy skills and services will help your organisation to have your Voice heard and your views taken into account. We will help you respond to a host of consultations, surveys and other research exercises which shape policy and practice.
Good Governance
Our training and consultancy service will ensure Good Governance which will improve the way you and your organisation works. It will help increase funder, partner and stakeholder confidence and help you to run your organisation legally and effectively.
Coronna Continuity Advice
We have decided to bring knowledge to the battle against COVID 19 by helping groups keep open and continue through the crisis with…
Condition Study & Conservation Report
What is it about an employee’s experience of the workplace that keeps them engaged and makes them stay with that employer?