In light of the recent Government advice, and the escalating situation LEXXER Solutions will be making the following changes to how we operate in these difficult times.

We work closely with a number of other consultants and funders/statutory bodies. Already a number of meetings at Stormont have been pulled this week and funders have issued advice. We have had to prioritize clients who have grants which need final actions before the end of the financial year, or are needing to start in April and need permission to start actions completed. Deadlines dictate our priorities and since much of our work has that face to face, embedded approach we have had to restructure things. You will appreciate that our approach to client relations which focuses on meeting people and providing a hands-on approach to solutions and support needs to be adapted to our current situation. This alongside family commitments to older and vulnerable family members means that we will be shifting to a remote working format in line with similar firms and government guidance.
This process itself will take a few days and will knock diary commitments back approximately 4 working days. We are writing to all clients and those we are scheduled to meet this week and next to advise them of this to apologise for any inconvenience and to ask that we reschedule one week later than originally planned. The format of the meeting will be by telephone, video call and where work is being done an office system where documents can be viewed in real time.
Please advise us of any steps you are taking and the impact it will have and we will accommodate you. We have cleared the diary to allow for the reaschedule of our meetings in one week however there is a degree of flexibility due to not having to travel so if the time does not suit give us alternative times before and after day it would fall on.
Apologies for any inconvenience and I am sure all this will pass
Kind Regards