This week we are excited to be helping clients open up and get back to what they do best.
Virtual services and Zoom meetings are all well and good but nothing beats that real-life experience and for community and voluntary groups people are at the heart of all they do.
Coronna and the resultant Government restrictions have caused a world of problems for organisations and businesses up and down the country. Our solutions services have responded to these new problems helping groups move operations online.
From remote and home working Solutions to virtual events and services we have helped a range of clients as they have kept going through all of this.
Now as we move towards the “new normal” we are helping them reopen. From continuation planning, accessing Covid Funding or just sourcing PPE and other equipment we are proud to be helping groups to reopen and relaunch.
Speak to one of the team today for all your “new normal” needs. We are providing hands-on support including dealing with international suppliers of equipment to help charities and communities get started again.

See our social media for new offers on social distancing strategies, and sanitisation equipment.