LEXXER Library
Since civilisations began man has sought to write and record his knowledge making it available to others for learning and improvement.
We are just adding what we have learnt and produced to that accumulative knowledge.
Why not join our library today and get access to our collection of resources and publications today.
How Academics and The Third Sector Can Work Together
Carnegie Fellow Professor Mark Shucksmith argues that to make an impact on social policy…
Research Findings – The Role of Knowledge Exchange
This research analysed the incidence, form, effectiveness and impact of knowledge…
Sector Insight – Revisiting The Facing Forward Report
We revisit the 2017 Lloyds Bank Foundation research Work which produced a ground breaking…
Corona Continuity Guidance Booklet
A Guide aimed at giving Organisations guidance on how to continue and keep operations…
Corona Continuity Guidance Booklet
Scottish Third Sector Forecast
We study the 2019 Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) Report into the…