Business Plans for the Third Sector
As with any organisation, a charity’s success takes careful planning. A business plan allows an organisation to set out its aims and objectives and a direction for the future, and to give those on the outside an insight into its purpose. From the organisation itself to individual projects or events funders and others are increasingly requiring business plans.
Charity organisations are understandably proud of their non-commercial aims, but a business direction is crucial to success. On a basic level, a charity must think like a business with a different goal: where a corporation aims to make profit, a charity aims to benefit those in need. The end goals are not the same, but until the point of providing help where it is needed it is important to approach the management of a charity as you would that of a business.
So a business plan should be approached as if it were for any company, setting out aims and objectives for the short, medium, and long terms. Once the framework of a traditional business plan is set up, areas such as fundraising activity and staff plans can be built around it.

Consultancy Services
How Can Organisations Develop Virtual Visits and Online Events?
The 8th May 2020 marks 75 years since the guns fell silent and the Second World War in Europe came to an end. Many organisations and communities, had plans in place to mark the important milestone with a street parties, concerts, exhibitions, educational and commemorative events. Second World War veterans were set to take centre stage as the Nation paused to remember the generation who sacrificed so much.
Unfortunately the Covid-19 pandemic forced them to cancel these events but they were determined that this important milestone is still marked across the country, despite the lockdown restrictions. The problem was how to take the real life event, and make it as much of an experience on-line, or through alternative means.
We have been privileged to work with a number of organisations and communities to help them turn their important events such as VE Day into on-line or virtual events. This involves looking at what the event or activities hope to achieve and how these outcomes can be replicated in other ways. For example A VE Day Festival has some clear components such as celebration, commemoration and education. It brings people together in shared activities like music and song, or acts of remembrance or story sharing and paying tribute to veterans.
We are able to produce materials which can be accessed online, and a format and marketing which will allow audiences to participate virtually, with shared activities like art and music for all the family. Then the results can be shared on-line even in real time. Our successful template will help organisations, businesses and communities make their events happen this year.
Working with clients and communities we have produces a host of online and virtual activities that people can get involved in, from using our popular VE Day 75 Learning resources for some lockdown learning, to hosting your own “vitrual” VE Day party. Find out more about one example of a virtual programme of VE Day activities below.
Knowledge Brokerage - Consultancy Services
The Show Must Go On!
LEXXER Solutions have been engaged as historic consultants by the Ancient and Illustrious Order of Knights of Malta, to conduct organisational research, curate their heritage assets and produce a website housing an online museum, library and information point for the organisation.
This is a long term commission, after all putting a thousands years of history together cant be don’t overnight. The website has been launched in a beta format, in order to stimulate interest and assist in the curation process.
Follow the journey as we tell this incredible story of service and sacrifice.

How We Help
Using Knowledge to Give You the Advantage through
Sound Research and Stakeholder Insights which will form the basis of informed reasoning and decision making
Based on our research we will help tell the story online with a fully interactive online museum and library.
Knowledge brokerage involves build a team with different skills sets to solve a problem.

Bridging the Digital Divide
We will work with you to make your event happen in real time or on-line. So lets Go Virtual and make sure the show goes on!
Museum Virtual VE Day
We worked with MIC McNeillstown Museum and Interpretative Centre, a local community museum to develop as Virtual VE Day Programme and Pack. The aim was to replace their planned VE Day Exhibition and Festival with an online Resource Pack with activities for all the family which would adhere to the government restrictions and social distancing rules.
The aim was to reach out to their anticipated audience and replace the traditional format with an on-line programme which would celebrate, commemorate and educate.